Made in Japanの心に触れる旅〜香川県・直島 【過疎の島をアートサイトに〜直島のアートを巡る旅】A journey to the island alive with art.


高松港からフェリーに乗り50分で直島にアクセスができます。T4-01 SBL
You can access 50 minutes by ferry from the Takamatsu Port.

T4-01 SBLのブルー文字盤が瀬戸内海の海に溶け込んでいく様でした。
T4-01 blue dial watch is going to melt into the Seto Inland Sea.

Tadao Ando’s architecture itself is art. So, art (work) is installed in the art(architecture).
写真家・建築家・演出家でニューヨークを拠点に活躍されている杉本 博司氏のアート作品を安藤忠雄氏の建築に納めた、その名も「時の回廊(Time corridor)」
瀬戸内海の海を一望出来るガラスの茶室「聞鳥庵(もんどりあん)」は、composition (コンポジション)で有名なオランダの抽象画家・モンドリアンに敬意を表してのネーミング。

The Glass Tea House “Mondrian”by Hiroshi Sugimoto. Through the Glass Tea House, you can enjoy beautiful scenery of the Seto Inland Sea.

The Full skeleton tourbillon watch, T4-01 was placed in front of the (Skeletonized) Glass Tea House
Being looked through the glass window.
〒761-3110 香川県香川郡直島町3449-1
3月1日 ~ 9月30日
10:00 ~ 18:00( 最終入館17:00 )
10月1日 ~ 2月末日
10:00 ~ 17:00( 最終入館16:00 )
休館日:月曜日 ※ ただし、祝日の場合開館、翌日休館
杉本博司ギャラリー 時の回廊
〒761-3110 香川県香川郡直島町 積浦3418
TEL 087-892-3223(ベネッセハウス)
A journey to islands alive with art.
Red and Yellow pumpkins with black dots iconic Art work by Ms. Yayoi Kusama welcome visitors on the Naoshima island pier it approximately takes 50 minutes by ferry from the Takamatsu Port.
Naoshima is a one of the beautiful islands in the Seto Island Sea located in Kagawa prefecture.
The project to transform a depopulated island into art site is planned by Mr. Soichiro Fukutake, owner family of Benesse Corporation as a Messena Activity-Companies support arts and culture. This project starts from one man’s passion. He planned to revive depopulated island in the Seto Inland Sea as “an Island of Art site “which is known all over the world.
Mr. Tadao Ando, one of the famous Japanese architects joined this project deeply by the construction in more than 30 years.
Art displays and museums can be found all over the island, giving island visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.
<Chichu Art Museum>
Chichu Art Museum was constructed in 2004 as a site rethinking the relationship between nature and people.
The museum was built mostly underground to avoid affecting the beautiful natural scenery of the Seto Inland Sea.
Artworks by Claude Monet, James Turrell, and Walter De Maria are on permanent display in this building designed by Tadao Ando. Ando designed each space specifically for each art work.
Hours:March 1 - September 30
10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
(Last admittance: 5:00 p.m.)
October 1 - last day of February
10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
(Last admittance: 4:00 p.m.)
*Open on Mondays for national holidays but closed the next day.
<Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery: Time Corridors>
Hiroshi Sugimoto Gallery” Corridor of Time “reflects the characteristics of Ando's architecture that encourages visitors to walk around the architecture space in its natural island.
They are intended so that visitors to rethink the relationship between the nature and the magnificent flow of time, thinking the history and the meaning of life.
The name of the Glass Tea House “Mondrian” is tribute of Dutch painter “Piet Mondrian” famous for abstract paintings.
Stone plate engraved the name “Time corridor” is sank in the water to be excavated by the future generation. This story makes us feel the passage of the time.
The Glass Tea House Mondrian was presented at Exhibitions such as Italy and Kyoto.
Mr. Sugimoto decided to install Naoshima because the ease of the maintenance is crucial.
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (last entry: 2:00 p.m.)
Closed:Open year-round
A journey to the island alive with an art.
The artworks , the architectures in Naoshima Island which has a rich nature are planned to let visitors think, feel and making conversation with them.
It was a journey that exposed us to the “Esprit(spirit) “of the Japanese people, who have been cherished their relationship with nature.