Made in Japanの心に触れる旅~第4回 「福寿」(神戸 酒心館) Journey to touch the heart of “Made in Japan”-FUKUJU”-KOBE SHUSINKAN
“Fukuju” comes from “Fukurokuju”, the Seven Lucky Gods, which are the gods of good fortune. happiness and longevity.
The brewery was Founded in 1751, the first year of Horeki in Edo era. During the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the brewery was destroyed and sake production was in jeopardy, but the brewery was restarted by their effort with passion.
ZT004-01 RBL
宝暦元年(1751 年)に創業した御影郷の福寿は、比較的小規模の蔵で、手造りにこだわる酒蔵として十三代にわたり「福寿」 の名を守り続けてきました。
1. 自然が生んだ豊かな気候と土地、及びミネラル豊富な「宮水」
2. 上質な酒米「山田錦」
3. 海上輸送の重要拠点として「神戸港」が江戸時代から発展
二箇所の酒造で常に品質が 西宮蔵が勝ることを発見し、試行錯誤の末、西宮に湧き出る井水「宮水」が高い品質のお酒を生み出すことを見つけたのです。
精米 Rice polishing (福寿資料館より)
精米歩合とは、精米して残った米の割合を%で表したものです。70%が一般的で、純米酒(醸造アルコールを入れないお米だけで作ったお酒)の中でも、精米歩合60%以下の米を用いて低温で長期間発酵させる「吟醸造り(ぎんじょうづくり)」によって製造されている日本酒があり、精米歩合60%以下のものは「純米吟醸酒」、50%以下のものは「純米大吟醸酒」と呼ばれます。 吟醸造りによって、吟醸香と呼ばれるフルーティで華やかな香りが生まれます。
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山田錦の玄米 |
精米50%に磨いた山田錦(福寿資料館より) |
福寿の仕込み・発酵タンク室 Fermentation room
櫂入れの作業風景(福寿)Mixing ingredients and Control of Fermentation by stirring.
灘五郷は、2018年に国税庁官が定めた酒類の地理的表示(GI=Geographical Indication)の指定を受けました。ワインでいうところのボルドーやシャンパーニュなどの特定の地域が生産の呼称に使われている原産地呼称統制(AOC、ACなど)と似たものと言えます。
福寿の超特選 純米酒が、「大関」、「白鶴」、「菊正宗」のような大メーカーと並んで認定銘柄に選ばれているのは快挙です。
福寿 純米吟醸 は、ノーベル賞の晩餐会で振舞われる日本酒。
となりました。世界に認められたMade in Japan のお酒です。
Fukuju Junmai Ginjo(FUKUJU Blue Label) is a sake served at the Nobel Prize banquet.
Fukuju is the official sake of the Nobel Prize Banquet thanks to its exporter of Sweden.
This is a Made in Japan sake that is recognized around the world.
<3. 海上輸送の重要拠点として発展した灘、神戸港>
六甲山系の水は、腐敗を招きづらい強い水として、江戸時代から有名でした。かつて外国船の船乗りも“赤道を超えても腐らない澄んだ透明の強い水 “Kobe Water”を神戸港で積んだという話があります。
福寿の若き蔵人 young sake brewery worker at Fukuju
加えて、地球温暖化で気温が高くなっていることに耐性のある酒米新品種「Hyogo Sake 85」を使用したお酒を海外輸出目的につくっています。
Hyogo Sake 85は、兵庫県で、30年以上の歳月をかけて開発された次世代の酒米。心白が大きく、酒粕が少ない地球にやさしい酒米。韓国で育成された「水原258号」と兵庫県産の「山田錦」の交配種。
Hyogo Sake 85 is a next-generation’s sake rice developed over 30 years in Hyogo Prefecture. Earth-friendly sake rice with a large heart and little sake lees. A cross between “Suwon 258'' grown in Korea and ”Yamada Nishiki'' from Hyogo Prefecture.
Made in Japanの形も伝統と革新をうまく織り込んだ色々な進化形があるのだなと思う
We visited a sake brewery in “Nadagogo”(five-districts of Sake brewery), Hyogo Prefecture, and a brewery called Fukuju in “Mikagego”(Mikage-district of Sake brewery).
Japan has had a strong agricultural culture centered around rice since ancient times. Sake is made from rice and is offered to the gods to pray for a good harvest and good health, and drinking the alcohol to ward off evil spirits. Alcohol was a sacred thing that played a role in connecting people with God. It was during the Edo period that alcohol became a luxury item enjoyed on a daily basis by samurai and townspeople.
There are more than 1,000 sake breweries across Japan, and many of them have been around since the Edo period and still remain today.
Nada in Hyogo Prefecture, Fushimi in Kyoto Prefecture, and Saijo in Hiroshima Prefecture are known as Japan's three major sake breweries area.
In Kyoto, major manufacturers such as ”Gekkeikan” and ”Kizakura'' are famous, while in Hyogo, ”Kiku Masamune'', “Hakutsuru'', and ”Ozeki'' are famous. Niigata has the largest number of breweries, with 89. Many of the breweries are relatively small.
Nada Gogo refers to the five districts that flourished along the coast of Kobe and Nishinomiya cities where sake production was flourishing. These include Nishinomiya-go and Mikage-go.
It is said that in the late Edo period, around 1853, Sake made from Nada-Sake breweries supplied 80% of the Sake consumed in Edo(old city name of Tokyo in Edo period).
Founded in 1751, Fukuju in Mikagego is a relatively small brewery that has maintained the name “Fukuju”' which is named after “Fukurokuju”, the Seven Lucky Gods, which are the gods of good fortune. happiness and longevity. 13 generations as a sake brewery that is particular about hand-made sake.
It is said that there are three reasons why Nada Gogo flourished as a sake production area.
1. “Miyamizu” has a naturally rich climate and land, and is rich in minerals.
2. High-quality sake rice “Yamada Nishiki”
3. "Kobe Port" has developed as an important base for maritime transportation since the Edo period.
<Water in Rokko>
The raw materials for sake are simple: rice, rice malt, and water.
Of these, the most commonly used is water. Approximately 80% of Japanese sake is made from water.
At Fukuju, they brew sake using Miyami water from the Rokko Mountains, which has a much higher quality standard than tap water.
In fact, the taste of sake differs depending on the water used.
The Miyamizu water from the Rokko Mountains has a hardness of over 100 and is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This water is suitable for sake brewing as it has low iron content which can cause bad taste.
At Fukuju, to further soften the hardness of Miyamizu, they blend it with filtered pure water to make our sake. The proportion of the blend was a trade secret.
<King of Sake rice-Yamada-Nishiki>
Sake rice is a special type of rice that has been repeatedly bred to produce delicious sake. Hyogo Prefecture is also the production area of Yamada Nishiki, the “king of sake rice'' that is said to be perfect for making sake.
Yamada Nishiki is tall, measuring 150 cm compared to the 120 cm of regular rice, making it a precious sake rice that requires a lot of manual labor and is easily destroyed by typhoons and vulnerable to disease.
In recent years, Yamada Nishiki has been awarded the Gold Award at Sake tasting contest across the board, as it produces sake with a rich aroma and full-bodied taste. Because it is a relatively slow-growing “late rice,'' it is often grown in western Japan, which has a warm climate.
Sake brewing begins with polishing the rice." In many cases, “sake rice'' specifically for sake brewing is used instead of edible rice. The reason for polishing is that there is a bad taste derived from protein on the outside of the rice, so this is removed to create sake without that taste.
Rice polishing ratio is the percentage of rice remaining after milling, expressed as a percentage. 70% is common, and among Junmaishu (alcohol made only from rice without brewing alcohol), “Ginjozukuri'' is made by fermenting rice at low temperature for a long period of time using rice with a polishing ratio of 60% or less. )", and those with a rice polishing ratio of 60% or less are called "Junmai Ginjo", and those with a polishing ratio of 50% or less are called "Junmai Daiginjo". Ginjo brewing produces a fruity and gorgeous aroma called ginjokou.
The sake brewing process involves washing the rice (senmai) to remove the bran after polishing, then soaking it in water (soaking) and steaming it before adding koji (malt).
Sake made from rice does not have sugar in it, like wine grapes, so it cannot undergo alcoholic fermentation as is. “Rice starch” is saccharified using the power of koji'' and “yeast that promotes alcohol fermentation'' is added to the sugar. By mixing koji and water, adding “shubo”(raw material of sake) and lactic acid bacteria, and then adding steamed rice, the shubo is completed in two weeks to a month.
The fermentation process is adjusted by stirring the mash, mash water, koji, and steamed rice.
In this way, sake is a complex brewing process that involves simultaneous fermentation of starch saccharification and alcohol fermentation. (For beer, malt saccharification and alcohol fermentation are divided into two stages.)
The “sake mash'” is placed in a tank, koji, steamed rice, and water are added and fermented for three weeks to a month to create a “moromi'', which is squeezed (in the upper tank) and separated into sake and sake lees. After that, it is filtered and heat treated (pasteurized) to produce sake, which is then bottled.
In 2018, Nadagogo was designated as a Geographical Indication (GI) for alcoholic beverages by the Commissioner of the National Tax Agency. This is the same as the control appellation of origin (AOC, AC, etc.) in wine, where specific regions such as Bordeaux and Champagne are used to name production.
The sake called “GI Nada Gogo'' is ”quality sake with a harmonious balance of flavor elements and a sharp aftertaste.''
<Kobe Port developed as an important base for maritime transportation>
The water of the Rokko Mountains has been famous since the Edo period as a strong water that is resistant to spoilage. There is a story that sailors on foreign ships once loaded Kobe Water, “Kobe Water,'' a strong, clear water that would not rot even after crossing the equator.
The reason why Kobe Port is such a deep port (water depth minus 16 meters) that can accommodate large foreign ships is because the river is rapid and sand does not accumulate easily.
The westward route of “the Kitamae-sailing ship”, which transported rice and other supplies from the Sea of Japan on barrel ships, passed through the calm Seto Inland Sea, loaded up on sake from Nada at Kobe Port, and headed down to Osaka (Kamigata) and Edo. Kobe Port has developed since the Edo period as an important base for maritime transportation.
<Fukuju's future of sake brewing>
The people who make sake are called “Kuroudo”, and among them, master of Kurodo is called “Toji”. They are like the conductors of a concert who oversee everything. Toji. In a sense, it is a job that carries as much responsibility as the head of the brewery, and is respected like a craftsman called a German beer Meister.
In Japan, the social status of craftsmen is still not high in some areas, but sake brewers are revered like gods of sake, and in media interviews, they almost always say that they are The Toji (Sake Meister) will appear.
In fact, it seems that Fukuju is brewing sake by appointing “young employees” as toji rather than highly skilled long career toji.
Also, in line with the SDGs, Fukuju produces carbon-free alcohol.
Additionally, they are producing alcoholic beverages for export overseas using a new variety of sake rice called Hyogo Sake 85, which is resistant to higher temperatures due to global warming.
There are sake breweries across Japan that use traditional methods as well as those that use innovative methods. For example, they used a stopwatch to measure the time the rice was soaked in water <Hiroki, Fukushima Prefecture> There are various types of sake, such as blending white yeast which is used for Shocyu (Japanese liquor distilled from potatoes )a nd traditional yellow one for Sake to create sake with a taste similar to acidic white wine (Aramasa, Akita Prefecture). Aramasa brewery is stick to brew traditional wooden tank for brewery, not using
Modern Steel tank with enamel coating which is easy to control temperature.
We think that Made in Japan has various forms of evolution that skillfully incorporate tradition and innovation.
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株式会社 神戸酒心館(酒銘:福寿) |
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SHIHO 時計店 〒650-0022 神戸市中央区元町通2丁目7-6 TEL 078-335-0550 E-mail 営業時間 11:00~19:00 定休日 水曜日 HP: SHIHO TOKEI TEN 2-7-6 Motomachi-tori, Kobe-city, Hyogo TEL +81-78-335-0550 E-mail Opening hours 11:00~19:00 Regular holiday: Wednesday HP: |