ZEROO Interview Watch collector‘s profile Michino Le Tourbillon, Chef Tadashi Michino “Watch Review T8 ,T9&T9-01” 時計好きの肖像 「ミチノ・ル・トゥールビヨン」 道野 正(みちの・ただし) シェフ 新作T8 ,T9&T9-01 時計レヴュー
【日本のフランス料理界の奇才】Japanese French Chef Avant-Garde style
道野 正シェフ略歴:1954年、兵庫県出身。京都のレストランで修業後、渡仏。「ラ・コートドール」などで修業して帰国。大阪の「シェ・ワダ」を経て、1990年オーナーシェフとして「ミチノ・ル・トゥールビヨン」を開店。2009年大阪市福島区に移転。

Michino Le Tourbillon ミチノ・ル・トゥールビヨン
レストラン(要予約) Five minutes’ walk from JR Fukushima station. Located on the backstreet, so this French restaurant is like your own secret house away from noise of the city.
In French cuisine, he was a pioneer in using pork as the main dish, which had been taboo, and using ingredients from Japanese cuisine with new ideas. Even Japanese ingredients such as burdock, beef tendon, and soft cod roe can be transformed into innovative French dishes by Monsieur Michino.



「ゼロは、前から知っていました。お店の名前のトゥールビヨンを一度はつけてみたいと思っていたので」I know ZEROO from years ago. As this French restaurant’s name is “Tourbillon”, I wish I could wear it once in a life time.
最新作のZEROO T9 (ゼロ ティーナイン)UFOオートマティック トゥールビヨンもトゥールビヨンの機構が目立つデザインなので気になっていると道野氏。

T9 is a modern design of the traditional style with a hollowed-out dial, enable you to fully appreciate the beautiful carriage of the tourbillon movement. The design is minimalist yet elegant, focusing on the beauty of the tourbillon carriage.

T9 has a design that has evolved from the previous edgy, sharp, and mechanical-looking cases to a soft, elegant, curvaceous case.

側面から見たケースの形状と小窓から宇宙船を想起し「UFO」という名を与えました。The side glass uses K9 glass with high transparency. You can enjoy the movement of the movement. The shape of the case seen from the side and the small window remind us of a spaceship, and we gave it the name “UFO.'”

ZEROOの時計ファン待望の自動巻きトゥールビヨンのムーブメント。自動巻きのローター(回転錘)部分には、ZEROO TIME Co. の装飾が施されています。
The passionate ZEROO watch customers have been waited automatic tourbillon movement. The automatic winding rotor is decorated with ZEROO TIME Co.

T9-01 is designed as a new generation ZEROO skeleton tourbillon while inheriting the skeleton specification that is the brand's identity. All designs including the dial frame and rotor have been rebuilt to perfectly match the curved tone of the new barrel-shaped case.

スケルトン トゥールビヨンは、ゼロの真骨頂。曲線美のシンプルなケースに、メカニカルなフレームデザインがより強調されています。
The skeleton tourbillon is the true essence of Zero. The simple, curvaceous case emphasizes the mechanical frame design.

The T9-01's rotating weight is beautifully coated with rose gold.

T9-01's soft curved case creates a comfortable fit when placed on your arm.
For those living outside of Japan, the project is scheduled to launch on INDIEGOGO in the U.S. after NOV. As overseas customers cannot place orders through the Japanese crowdfunding platform, we kindly ask that you wait for the U.S. campaign.
Please note that the scheduled dates are subject to change.

Mr. Michino speaking at the 11th World Culinary Arts Conference held in Hakodate, Hokkaido in October 2024. (Mr.Michino is on the left hand side of the picture.)
「だだ、お店の名前は、時計からではないのです。フランスの修行時代に自分磨きにパリを歩いていたときに、フォールブル・サントノーレ通りエルメスの本店に大きなスカーフが飾ってありました。葉っぱがぐるぐる渦巻のように舞っているデザインで、とても綺麗だったので、感銘を受けました。その作品の題名が「Le Tourbillon ル・トゥールビヨン」となっていたので、いつか自分のお店を持ったとき、この名前にしようと思っていたのです」
「今日一日、ぼくはぼくにできる最高の仕事をしよう。たとえ明日が来なかったとしても、今日の自分に恥じないように」 道野 正
- ドイツのキリスト教の分派プロテスタント(新教)で、宗教革命の中心人物の有名なことば。プロテスタントは、フランスの時計職人に多かったと言われる。後のプロテスタントのリーダーであるカルヴァン本拠地がスイス・ジュネーヴだった為、カトリック(旧教)から迫害を受けた多くの時計職人がフランスからスイスに移り住んだと言われています。

大阪市福島区福島6-9-11 神林堂ビル1F
TEL 06-6451-6566
【火~日・祝・祝前】ランチ 12:00~13:00 (L.O.13:00)
【火~日・祝・祝前】ディナー 18:00~20:00 (L.O.20:00)
ZEROO Interview Profile of watch collector
Chef Tadashi Michino, Michino Le Tourbillon, French Restaurant
This time, we got an interview with Osaka-based French chef and watch collector, Tadashi Michino, who is known for his innovative French dishes that incorporate Japanese ingredients.
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1954. After training at a restaurant in Kyoto, he moved to France. After training at top quality restaurant where they have “Michelin Three Stars” such as "La Côte d'Or", he returned to Japan. After working at Chez Wada in Osaka, he became independent and became the owner chef in 1990.
“Michino Le Tourbillon'' opens. In 2009, moved to Fukushima Ward, Osaka City.
In French cuisine, he was a pioneer in using pork as the main dish, which had been taboo, and using ingredients from Japanese cuisine with new ideas. Even Japanese ingredients such as burdock, beef tendon, and soft cod roe can be transformed into innovative French dishes by Monsieur Michino.
Chef Michino says, “In order to innovate and renew, we must know the foundation, which is tradition.”
“The level of completion of a reconstruction depends on how deep one's knowledge of the source material is.''
"Understanding and incorporating tradition, passing it through your own filter, and expressing it in form. Isn't that what innovation is all about?"
For some reason, it has a high affinity with ZEROO’s philosophy of "rebuilding watches from scratch."
I hate being called “orthodox French style” more than anything. My creed is to continue being avant-garde. This may be the reason why Chef Michino is called a Japanese French genius.
It has been 34 years since I became the owner-chef. Looking back the history of the restaurant, there was time I was called “Man of the hour” but there has its peaks and valleys.
"Cooking is only possible if there are people who eat it. That's why when I think about a dish, I always imagine the reaction of the eater when I put it together. I grasp each element accurately, and in the end, I decide on the aroma and appearance.'' Those who are able to compose without breaking the whole structure of the dish including appearance are recognized as excellent chefs."
“However, since you don't know how much experience the eater will make and react, you place yourself there as the eater. Then, while facing yourself as the eater in your mind, the chef’s imaginary world, he will realize the dishes.
“I know ZEROO as a watch brand from years ago. As this French restaurant’s name is “Tourbillon”, I wish I could wear Tourbillon once in a life time.
Chef Michino has endless conversations about his favorite watches, brands, legendary brand managers, and friends who are watch collectors.
Speaking of ZEROO, the tonneau-shaped T4-01 is really cool. The curve of the tonneau case is smooth, and as a watch lover, I can say it is fascinating. This is the first time I've seen the T8, and the three frames on the dial have a powerful design.
Mr. Michino says he is also interested in the latest ZEROO T9 -01 UFO Automatic Tourbillon because it has a design that makes the tourbillon mechanism stand out.
“The curve of the tonneau case is smooth and the movement is automatic, I feel signs of evolution of ZEROO’s watch making '” said Mr. Michino, who is familiar with successive ZEROO watches.
“I don't normally wear a watch while working, but since I attend the World Culinary Conference and appear in public at events, I would like to wear a tourbillon after the restaurant's name someday”.
He said “ZEROO watch is very interesting because the new designs are constantly evolving. I'll keep an eye on them.''
“Did you name your shop “Tourbillon” because you love watches? ” We(ZEROO) asked him.
“Thanks to this name, we have a steady stream of watch-loving customers, so we are very grateful.”
“However, the name of the shop is not derived from the Tourbillon watch.
When I was walking around Paris to improve self-development, during my French restaurant’s apprenticeship, I saw a large scarf displayed at the Hermès store on the street of Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris.
I was impressed by how beautiful the design was, with leaves swirling around and around in the scarf design. The title of the piece was "Le Tourbillon," so I was inspired to name my own restaurant someday“.
The tourbillon is a complicated mechanism in which the escapement, which is fixed in ordinary watches, is placed in a carriage and rotated to disperse gravity errors. It was named Tourbillon, means " whirlwind" in French.
We were really moved by the beautiful story that the name of the store is derived from the Hermès scarf at Paris in France.
Recently, the genius Monsieur. Michino moved to Fukushima and seems to have had a slight change in his mind.
Chef Michino says that he realized that he wanted to try making dishes that would appeal to everyone, instead of making them "understood by those who understand," and that he started having fun thinking about dishes, and that he felt like he was becoming more liberated day by day.
"Today, I will do the best job I can. Even if tomorrow never comes, I will not be ashamed of who I am today." Tadashi Michino
“Even if the world were to end tomorrow, I would plant an apple tree today.”
Martin Luther *
* Famous words of a central figure in the religious revolution in the Protestant sect of Christianity in Germany. It is said that there were many Protestant watchmakers in France. They were persecuted by Catholicism moved from France to Geneva, Switzerland because the headquarters of Calvin, the later Protestant leader, was in Geneva, Switzerland.
Japanese Author Takeshi Kaiko also introduces this quote by Martin Luther in his book “Drifting but not sinking.''
“Drifting but not sinking'' originally meant that no matter how strong the wind was blowing on a sailing ship, it would just sway and not sink.
It's a sailor's saying, but it's also on the emblem of the city of Paris, which has survived revolutions and wars.
Monsieur Michino, who graduated from the Faculty of Theology, has a somewhat philosophical style in which he considers each composition to its essence, whether it be in his words, actions, cooking, or sketching ideas for cooking.
Its origins seem to lie in the training period in France. I think it's because I have such strong memories that I couldn't forget the title of the Hermès scarf in Paris.
Michino Le Tourbillon
Shinrindo Building 1F, 6-9-11 Fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Osaka City
TEL 06-6451-6566
Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday, holidays, and before holidays
Lunch 12:00-13:00 (L.O.13:00)
Opening: Tuesday-Sunday/
Dinner 18:00-20:00 (L.O.20:00)
Closed: Monday
Open on public holidays and closed the next day